downword facing dog pose

Downward facing dog pose, or adho mukha svanasana is most widely recognized yoga pose for any yoga practice.It is one of the primary connecting poses of the flowing Sun Salutation series of asanas, which warms up the entire body. It is named after the way dogs naturally stretch their entire bodies! (Adho Mukha Svanasana) adho = downward mukha = face svana = dog.

Downword Facing Dog Pose Steps

  1. 1. Come onto the floor on your hands and knees. Make sure your knees directly below your hips and your hands slightly forward of your shoulders.
  2. 2. Spread your palms, pressing through the outer edges of the palm and the finger tips Keep your upper arms and shoulders rotated outwards while your forearms rotate in.
  3. 3. On an exhalation, lift your knees away from the floor At first keep the knees slightly bent to lengthen the spine and the heels lifted away from the floor. Push your top thighs back and stretch your heels onto or down toward the floor if possible straighten the legs, while maintaining the length in the spine.
  4. 4.Taking the top of the thighs and knees back.Press upper armstowards each other, shoulder blades down along the spine, but keeping the space across the tops of the shoulders.

Beginners Tip

If you feel unstable releasing and have difficulty in opening your shoulders in this pose, raise your hands off the floor on a pair of blocks You can also work on the shoulder release in the pose by practicing against a wall or help with chair.

Downword Facing Dog Pose Benefits

Downward Facing Dog Pose is one you will definitely want to learn as a beginner.The pose has so many benefits.Below listed are the benefits of downword facing dog pose

Strengthens the upper body and shoulders

Downward-Facing Dog energizes and rejuvenates the entire body. It help building strength in your arms, shoulders.

Stretches the Hamstrings and Calves

It deeply stretches your hamstrings, calves and spine while building strength in your the legs.

Eliminates stiffness and back pain

It stretches the spine and gets the length in the back of the body. This pose is therapeutic for back care and can help heal the body on back pain. By lengthening and stretching the spine, you bring more oxygen into the body. You will feel stronger, lengthen in backbone and spine as well as more strength in the entire back body as you practice this pose.